Από Τερζή Γιώργο



Μεγάλη επιτυχία  για το 2ο ΓΕΛ ΠΥΛΑΙΑΣ

Με βαθμολογία 97/100  αναγορεύθηκε  σε σχολείο Πρέσβη του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου για το έτος 2022-23.

Συγχαρητήρια σε όλους του συμμετέχοντες , μαθητές και καθηγητές για τη σημαντική αυτή  διάκριση .
Ήταν το επιστέγασμα της περσινής μας προσπάθειας 
Ένα υπέροχο ταξίδι .

3.4. Central Macedonia 

2nd General Lyceum of Pylaia, Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia 

Description of actions and of related activities: The school worked in a coordinated way and developed effective networking with key individuals. They showed social sensitivity in acute contemporary issues, with a view towards reinforcing the youth’s EU identity and improving the quality of life. In particular:  Participation in the Platform of the Conference for the Future of Europe Working on human rights, the Junior Ambassadors and other students of the school got engaged in the creation of a school graffiti and the organization of a free meal for those in need. Very good preparation involving the study of digital EU sources, meetings with MEPs and the sensitization of the whole community.  Action on an EU-value campaign or a political priority The school organized a one-day conference on sports-fan violence, with two Greek famous veteran international footballers as central speakers, to sensitize students in aspects of the phenomenon.  Action on Europe Day In groups the students investigated the opportunities offered by the EU to the youth and then presented their findings to the other students at a school event on Europe Day, in order to raise awareness of the role the EU plays in their lives. They also invited ESN (Erasmus Student Network) representatives as speakers in this event.  Second activity on an EU-value campaign or a political priority A one-day event was organized on gender-based violence and feminicide, with the founding member of the Hellenic Department of the European Observatory for Femicides A. Peglidou as its main speaker, with the aim to inform students about the deeper social causes of the phenomenon and sensitize them in ways of managing it.  EU Info point As relates the EU Info Point, the school created a physical one at the school entrance, constantly informed and supported by volunteer students of the whole school. Besides the easy, autonomous access to the Info Point that visiting students were provided with, Junior Ambassadors also organized information visits for all the school students during which the visitors could get informed about the EU/EP and the EPAS program, as well as ask questions and get answers. The Info Point was evaluated as very important not only as a reference point, but also as a means of strengthening the Ambassadors’ relation to the EPAS program and of getting to know the EU better.  Participation in the together.eu The Ambassadors have all registered and attended events of other schools and social institutions on various issues. They have also uploaded details on their own event on artificial intelligence (AI), which is planned to offer the simulation of a trial on the legitimacy of the use of AI in legal proceedings, an interactive game, and an informative presentation of past online meetings. The activities resulted in informing attendees, in encouraging reflection, activation in platform events and expression of the students’ voices. As regards EE2024, the plan entails the organization of more environmental actions, in collaboration with institutions, and massive protests against the environmental disaster. -62 - Best practices: ● Creation of school-wall graffiti that reflects the creators’/students’ concern for the protection of human rights and can stimulate critical thought in the school community. ● Social, volunteer work: Organization of a soup kitchen, in collaboration with the Municipality of Pylaia - Chortiatis and a local restaurant, to provide assistance to members who are in need and trigger volunteer activation in social work in the rest of the local community. Evaluation: PART B - Main Actions (Total points: 67 /70) PART E (Total points: 10 /10) Participation in the platform of the Conference for the Future of Europe Action on an EU-value campaign or a political priority Action on Europe Day Second activity on an EUvalue campaign or a political priority Topic selection/ Description of action 5/5 5/5 5/5 3/3 Preparation 5/5 7/7 7/7 3/3 Completion of action 10/10 13/13 10/13 4/4 Total points 20/20 25/25 22/25 10/10 PART C - Creation and use of digital/physical EU Info Point (Total points: 10/10) Creation of EU Info Point Ways Info Point is used Evaluation of EU Info Point Attachments Total points 5/5 2/2 1/1 2/2 10/10 PART D – TOGETHER.EU Volunteers’ Net: Participation & Actions (Total points: 10/10) Activities re Together.eu platform Impact of activities Plan on future activities in view of the 2024 European Elections Attachments Total points 5/5 2/2 2/2 1/1 10/10 TOTAL SCORE: 97/100 Selected hyperlinks to activities: 
